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A member registered Feb 13, 2021

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spam the arrow keys, you can literally zip around like a maniac

The last few level has the code in the walls. If you want to figure out yourself dont read ahead. So the code is mycelium.

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I just reached the puzzle side of the graveyard. Where there are some swinging blades. Its basically at the very beginning of that area (or i dont know how long is it :D) I think it was a longer room. Or maybe i got past it (i dont remember), but it was near that section where there are swinging blades and the room is horizontally long.

I just played like I did before :D I may have jumped or dashed, or just got rekt by something. i dont know honestly.

Edit: By the way, what does the domino-like pickups do?

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Cool little game, I enjoyed it until you cant progress more. Basically only 3 wolves come with 10 HP after a while. I like the art-style, and oh boy I just LOVE the "Clumsy wolf studio" logo :D

The different music for different "phase" of the game was a cool touch.

The idea is good, it has potential.

Some critique:

-You can cheese the game with a small amount of "Attack" stat by getting rid of every card you have and play "explosion" only, it will insta-kill everything.

-The "Healing" part of the enemy turn is not working properly. If you kill the enemy and in the same turn he get a turn as well, then basically you can see the enemy HP reach 0 and then gets "resurrected" to a few HP. So if the enemy has a turn just when you do, they are immortal for that round.

-(My first language is not English, I often miss grammar type of errors) But oh man, the grammar in this game is just very bad and very frequent. Some examples "Unfortunately, Disappear, flee far as possible FROM the evil army, Swing: Academy, Shield: basic attack, Deal 5 damage(not damages)"....etc Just check them in-game... And every text. Typo check your stuff with google or something search for "typo check"/"spell check". We are humans, we will make mistakes, its okay. But the game is full of them.

-I dont feel like Vitality +1 HP is worth the upgrading. Attack is just too OP.

-The music always restarts after every battle, which is annoying and sends a vibe of "unpolished"-ness.

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Or even a "Build your level and share it for others to play" option would be cool too. Even more if the game had a rating system that everyone could rate the personal levels and you can search/filter them easily.

Cool game, btw :D

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Im also stuck here. Yes i went inside the house, but i cant access the upper level, i cant jump that high. After going back, i cant go back either. And i have no dialogue option from the 2 dudes in the houses at the left.

Edit: OMG... i just realized you can not only dash to the left/right, but to any

I think you should add WASD+Left shift as the "tutorial" not just "left shift". If you just press left shift on its own, you will only dash to where you are facing (and it looks like a horizontal plane skill).  So its fair to assume that if you got dash, you will get a vertical "skill" also, like a double jump later. I would have never tried it before, i went everywhere aimlessly. I was ready to close the game.

Edit 2: I just got kicked out from the game with an error message aaaand there is no save (I played from the browser mode, used Firefox) so... yeah. But it was cool while it lasted.


An error occurred running the Unity content on this page. See your browser JavaScript console for more info. The error was:

RuntimeError: integer overflow







Its a bummer that this is this short. It have potential. I was hooked from their interaction from the start. Not much scenery writing or anything was in it, mainly only the conversations but it was nice (and its a bonus for me, that the main character is not sexualizing D from the start)